Faithful Walk Healing Ministries came into my life at a very important time: I was searching for more. The people I came to know inside of the church I was previously attending, were not like the God I came to know inside the jail cell (where I found Christ). I continued searching for more than what I was learning on Sunday and Wednesday nights, until I met Prophets Mena Lee and R.L. Jones. I attended a FWHM deliverance conference a day after I was spiritually attacked by a church. I know God sent me to that conference to rescue me. I began joining their weekly bible studies and started learning at a rate I never imagined. Less than two years ago I didn't even own a bible. I was more excited to take the Disciples of Acts class than I was when I got accepted into a top private college 20 years ago. At the Yom Kippur conference in 2024, I was delivered from a stronghold that I had been a prisoner of for 18 years. That day, I stood with Prophetess Mena praying over me as I gave it all to God and was set free. The heaviness I carried for 18 years is now gone! It has changed my relationship with God and my soul is forever grateful!
K. Hill - Lumberton, NC
I first discovered FWHM on YouTube years ago with Prophetess Mena’s prophecy updates. It wasn’t until years later, after going through a great testing of my faith, that I reached out to the ministry for prayer. The ministry responded back and invited me to join their weekly bible study. It really dug into the issues of life that surrounded me at the time. Prior to this, I never experienced actual deliverance of demonic strongholds, or ever witnessed it in church. Deliverance and healing were a foreign concept to me. Prophetess Mena and the staff joined together in walking me through the steps of renouncing things in my life that gave the devil authority; whether it was willful sin, generational curses, or just ignorance. I stand here four years later having been delivered from so many strongholds that I didn’t even know were there. My relationship with Jesus Christ has strengthened to a scale I never imagined, and my faith has deepened beyond measure. If you are searching for truth in a world full of dead noise and confusion, I encourage you to join the weekly bible study at FWHM. You will learn so much! I have so much love for this ministry.
B. Miller - Grove City, OH
This ministry has helped me in numerous ways (proper counsel, always showing love, teachings, and more). I can attest to the fact that the Word of God is always confirmed and I appreciate the sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. With each teaching, something new is revealed to me and it strengthens me and challenges me to dig deeper and study more. It is personal, I'm not just a number on a roster, but a soul, a sister in the Lord getting sharpened by iron.
J. Riser - Springfield, Illinois
FWHM has been a true blessing in my life. God has truly used this ministry to help me understand who I am and helped me to strengthen my relationship with Christ. I have experienced true joy, peace, love and conviction through this ministry. I remember years ago praying and asking God to send me to a place where His word would not be watered down nor sugar coated. He aligned me with this ministry and I thank the Lord every day for it. Through this ministry I have been delivered, healed, set free and filled with the Holy Spirit. I find myself pouring into others in a way I never thought possible, but it’s because of how God used this ministry to pour into me; showing me my calling, my purpose, and turning my desires for the things of this world to my desire for Him. I could go on and on but I’ll end it with a thank you because through this ministry, the Lord saved me.
J. King - Jacksonville, FL
After years of internal wrestling with my own desires, I came to the end of myself in 2022. I knew within my heart I can no longer run from Jesus's calling, and I have to turn back to Him quickly before it is too late. Not shortly after, I started listening to FWHM online bible study on Thursdays, and later, attended their Passover Conference. God started speaking to me and convicted me in areas I needed to repent of. Then, I signed up to be part of the Disciple of ACTS training, because I wanted to grow more. God surrounded me with spirit-filled believers within the ministry. They would call and check up on me when I needed the most. They prayed with me and held me accountable. FWHM has blessed me tremendously. It is exactly what I needed in this season: to be an effective witness of Jesus Christ; salt and light, and to bear good fruit. I started to walk in power and authority in places where God called to me to be at, watching people encounter God, being set free, and filled with the Holy Spirit. I give Jesus Christ ALL the Glory! I want to thank the leaders at FWHM, for their obedience, and sacrifices that they’ve made, which has been costly and many times, unseen. They are truly the hands and feet of Jesus, carrying His heartbeat.
M. Lee - Atlanta, GA
When I came across FWHM in 2017, I was fairly new to my walk in Christ. I attended every Thursday night bible study, and learned so much truth in scripture with verse-by-verse teachings. I truly learned how to be an effective witness to others in the world, how to bear good fruit, and allow God to use me however He wishes by truly dying to self. Over these years, applying what I learned has changed my life completely. I'm so thankful for this ministry as it has been my rod when I need correction and staff when I need direction. Making sure my eyes stayed on Christ and not wandering, as sometimes, my flesh wants to lead. Prophetess Mena has been an amazing leader; making sure the sheep God placed in this ministry stay close to Him. Teaching us truth and led solely by the Spirit by teaching us to rely on the Holy Spirit and stay in communion with Jesus. Through all my trials which have been many since 2017, my relationship with Jesus has become priority, and if it wasn't for FWHM, I don't know that I would be the strong soldier in Christ that I am today.
D. Reyes - Port Arthur, TX
I was introduced to FWHM with The Sacred Womb class in the summer of 2022. I took a chance and listened to the Holy Spirit, not knowing where the class would take me. There, I started my journey into deliverance, healing, and reigniting my faith. Prophets Mena Lee and R.L. Jones have walked with me this entire journey, and still haven’t left my side. I don’t think there are enough words to express my gratitude. Through ministering, prophecy, prayer, teaching, and yes, even holding my hand (LOL), they helped me come out of a marriage that was not recognized in Heaven and are helped me break free from strongholds, rejection, and past trauma. I’m truly blessed to have such caring, anointed, and appointed ministry leaders over my life. My daughter and I are truly blessed to be a part of Faithful Walk Healing Ministries.
J. Bizardi - Chattanooga, TN
I recently attended a FWHM healing and deliverance conference. I watched as a room filled with people from all over the country the begin to worship the Lord. God's Presence was so tangible at that meeting. We came with expectations to be set free from rejection, addiction, and other demonic strongholds. As I was being healed, the presence of God hit my 11-year-old son, and he began weeping under the Glory. It is a day I will never forget. I want to thank FWHM for their obedience and display of Love for God's broken babies. The fruit that is produced is Holy.
S. Ulecia - Katy, TX
I found FWHM in 2017 through YouTube videos that my friend recommended. In 2022, I saw an advertisement for the course called The Sacred Womb, and I felt an urgency to apply. I learned a lot through this short study. I was in ministry many years ago, but hadn’t been active in a long time. So, when the Disciples of Acts course was advertised, I applied immediately, and through this study I grew in the Word and closer to the Lord. I lost a lot of my confidence through various events in my life, but going through this study with Prophetess Mena brought me to a deeper level and gave me back the confidence to share my faith again. Because I live in Ireland, the bible studies started at midnight, local time, but I did not mind. It ignited in me a love for the word and also showed me the importance of praying for the lost, especially those in my family and the people around me. One testimony is that a person at my job, who previously tried to get me fired, was sent back into my life, and we started a bible study together. God is so amazing!
M. Lamrani - Dublin, Ireland
I am in complete awe of how the Lord has used Faithful Walk Healing Ministries to pour truth into me and my children’s lives. Through this ministry, the Lord has delivered me from what had been spiritually holding me back all my life. I’ve been brought into a season of refinement that was so needed. I watch as the Lord continues to pour into Prophetess Mena, as she continues to pour into us. This ministry has truly been a blessing in my life.
Q. Smith - Columbus, OH
I thank the Lord for Faithful Walk Healing Ministries. The
in-person meetings are truly led by the Holy Spirit and the presence of God is
palpable. Praise the Lord, I received deliverance from childhood trauma at a
High Holy Days conference, and since, I am re-discovering my identity in Christ,
Jesus. I am so blessed and grateful for this ministry!
S. Edwards - Killeen, TX
I’m overwhelmed by the goodness of God, and so thankful for His love displayed through Prophetess Mena and FWHM and for their continued obedience to the Lord! I attended FWHM Yom Kippur conference in October 2024, and I thought it was going to be a 'these are the times were in, and here’s how to stay filled and flooded with God, Himself' sort of a conference, but NOPE (LOL)! I really felt like God was fighting for me and my daughter and wanted to set us free. It was easy to believe that for other people, but for whatever reason, I couldn’t believe it for myself. But after that meeting, whatever was blocking me from being able to accept Jesus’ love was gone! It felt a like a literal weight was lifted off me. I didn’t realize how suffocated (literally, having trouble breathing) I was, until the Lord delivered me. All the sinus pressure and pain immediately left as did the feeling of literal strangulation. Also, my daughter had spells that started before her 1st birthday. It would happen when she would get really upset or hurt (physically). She would hold her breath until she passed out. It was terrifying! But she hasn’t had a single spell since. Hallelujah! So much has changed and happened since the conference. I’m truly in awe of who God is and so thankful for FWHM and their true obedience to Christ.
C. J. - Nashville, TN
I just want to say thank you, Lord for all the blessings that this Ministry has bestowed upon me. It has helped me to grow in many ways and I’m becoming closer to The Lord more and more. One of the things I love the most is how Prophetess Mena always teaches us to commune with the Lord in all honesty, with a pure heart, laying it all at the feet of Jesus. This is where change and transformation comes from. The Lord already knows our heart, motives, and the intents of our heart. I love how the Holy Spirit uses Prophetess Mena to speak truth, no matter what. FWHM has also taught me how to stand firm and fight, get back up again, because as Prophetess Mena says, “The enemy can’t conquer you when you get back up!" I’ve had to do just that. As I battle with breast cancer, I’m finding that my strength MUST come from The Lord, because there is no way I can fight this on my own. As Jesus is always reminding me that the battle is The Lords, and HE will see us through this, so I’m leaning and standing on His words and his promises, through it all. I’d like to thank Prophetess Mena and her Husband, Prophet R.L. Jones for their prayers, and for all that you do for the Body of Christ. Thanks for standing in the gap for us al. May God continue to bless Faithful Walk Healing Ministries!
D. Henley - Houston, TX